Food (in)glorious food
We all know what a food bank is. A place, probably a church hall, where food is handed out to people in difficulties.
You’ll probably know that demand is high and that supply is low. That families struggle.
But who are these people? The men and women who join the early morning queue at St Michael’s in White City are quite a bunch. There’s the woman who had to take on a job working nights at Westfield Shopping centre because he husband was too sick to work. She finishes her shift and comes straight to pick up food. The Sri Lankan couple who had to flee their country and seek refuge here. An Iranian refugee, others sheltering from the Ukraine war. The Algerian woman who was so determined to be part of this country that she took and passed her GCSE in English. And she makes fabulous cakes which she brings to us!
Most are local, some are homeless or in hostels, some are sick, some just plain struggling. Here’s another alarming statistic; the number of families falling into debt in the Uk according to an organisation called StepChange has risen to a new high of 183,403.
What all the people who visit St Mikes are determined to do is to make things work.
What’s all this about? It’s about you. They need help. This week on Thursday 25, Friday 26 and on Saturday 27 volunteers will be at Sainsbury’s, Fulham Wharf 27 Townmead Rd, London SW6 2GD in the hope you will donate food.
The last time there was a collection at this branch of Sainsbury’s the response was overwhelmingly generous. But here we are again.
A year ago a food bank in Hammersmith and Fulham would supply tins of meat. We had the luxury of asking people if they wanted pork or beef. We had a choice of soup (only mushroom in recent weeks). There was coffee, biscuits, jam. Sometimes shower gel, washing up gear. Rice pudding. Imagine!
No more.
Anything you donate is a brilliant boost to our supplies.
If you really want to help these are our priorities.
Tinned meat. (People love corned beef - but it is expensive, I know).
Sweet corn.
Chick peas.
Coffee (small jars please)
Shower gel/shampoo
One of Sainsbury’s slogans is Good Food For All of Us.
That really means something to the 2,000-plus regulars at the H and F food banks.
Richard Holledge ● 325d0 Comments ● 325d