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Fulham Palace unveils monumental upside-down pineapple

To commemorate the 50th anniversary of opening its house and gardens to the public, Fulham Palace unveils ANANAS, a monumental upside-down pineapple by London artist Annie Trevorah.   The visually striking sculpture is inspired by the historic pinery-vinery at Fulham Palace, a rare example of a pineapple and grape greenhouse built by Bishop Howley during his residency at the palace in the early 19th century.   Trevorah’s particular area of interest is human-plant inter-connectivity and intra-dependence. The main sculpture's lattice design blends in with the blooms and architecture of the walled gardens while reflecting the episcopal coat of arms. Four totems celebrating the shared characteristics of vegetables and humans complement the display as they rise above the formal planting of the knot garden section.   The pineapple (Ananas comosus), a tropical plant indigenous to South America, was first introduced to Europe in the 17th century and has fascinated plant enthusiasts and scientists, architects and artists ever since. Its cultivation relied on the transatlantic trade in enslaved Africans. Initially an expression of power and wealth, it has become a symbol of friendship and cultural exchange in modern times.   The unveiling coincides with the ongoing exhibition The Bishops of London, colonialism and transatlantic slavery at Fulham Palace.
23 April – 10 June 2024 Open daily from 10.30am to 5.00pm, free admission Fulham Palace House & Garden, Bishop’s Avenue, London SW6 6EA

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