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River access to FFC

A lot of heated and emotional talk has gone on regarding the possibility of a passenger pier being added to the football stand development. The first issue is one of nature. The river on this reach rises and falls by about 6m and, due to the bend in the river, the foreshore in front of the new stand is exposed at the bottom of the tide. At spring low tides one will need to be in excess of 70m from the new stand to reach a depth of water of 1.5m. This does provide an opportunity to install a brow (ramp) that would be DDA compliant with a gradient of 1:12.  This would be a significant improvement on the accessibility of the existing Putney Pier. However I am sure that the owners of the vessels who might want to use the pier would think twice about mooring in a spot where they might run aground. The only way of reducing the distance out into the river would be to have the brow at an angle to the bank and to undertake significant and regular dredging operations.  This is might not be impossible but it would require detailed and lengthy hydrological modelling to see what the effects of such changes to the river bed might be.  One only has to go up to Hammersmith bridge at low tide to see the knock on effect and un-intended consequences of altering the river bank. The St Pauls School slipway, installed in the 1960's has led to a build up of silt on either side of it.  During the construction of the new stand, there have been barges and working platforms in the river. At low tide most of these sat on the foreshore. As part of the works it was considered necessary to employ the services of a guard boat. This was to provide safety cover for both river users and those working on the barges. The scheme might be acceptable to some of the traditional river users if the club offered to provide 24 — 7 safety cover.  Mention is made of the effects on the boat race, which only has two crews. Three weeks ago in the school's head of the river, there was one stage in the race where, due to differing speeds, five crews ended up side by side as they passed the football club. A obstruction such as pier extending out from the bank would form a significant hazard  and a risk  assessment could come to the conclusion that the head races could not safely take place.  A sailing boat, when travelling with the wind, can go in a straight line. However to progress against the wind they must tack. this will be restricted by any pier. Assuming that a pier was installed, there is then the issue of the river traffic. Rowing takes place from well before first light to well after sunset. Those who watched the BBC coverage of the Boat Race will have noted the hours that the athletes put into their training. Many Club athletes try to put in similar hours of training whilst holding down full time professional jobs. Training in the dark is a necessity and currently, with the River busses termination at Putney Pier there is no conflict. The oarsmen do not train below Putney whist the commercial vessels are operating.  At weekends, there are no services above Battersea and consequently, at the bottom of the tide rowing does take place below Putney.  Many of the recreational rowers confine their practice times to the very time when football matches might take place, a Saturday afternoon. The swell set up by the Uber boats when they slow down and speed up is enough to damage an eight and tip a single sculler into the river.

Richard Philips ● 1073d3 Comments ● 975d

Fulham child killer.

Are all the links between Abertillery and Fulham double child killer Harold Jones and other unsolved murders just coincidences?

Here are the facts.

(1) Just before Jones was released from prison he repeatedly informed the prison authorities that he did not want to lose the desire to kill. That was the same desire that he admitted that he had in 1921 as a 15 year-old boy.

(2) The governor of Maidstone prison from where Jones was eventually released stated in a report: "He is callous but would be the last to admit it. Sad as it may seem I can see no hopeful prospect for Jones in the future." The prison chaplain also reported that he felt Jones was a "no-hoper."

Professor Mike Berry, (Consultant Clinical Forensic Psychologist.) visited Abertillery and a number of London locations during the filming of Dark Son - The Hunt for a Serial Killer over a 12 month period. His conclusion was that Harold Jones was the Hammersmith killer. (8 unsolved London murders that were the largest unsolved murders in British criminal history.) He stated that he believed after reviewing all the evidence that Jones after leaving prison had killed again and again,

(3) Jones had lived 2 streets away from 3 of the 8 women murder victims in Fulham and Hammersmith as well as 50-100 yards away from murder victim Ignac Ulycz in Putney. The police in the 1960's were not aware of Jones' past and he was never a suspect in any of the murders until after 2008.

(4) Jones' own daughter has stated that her father would leave her and her mother at home at the times of the killings and book into Rowton House, a  doss-house in Hammersmith whenever her parents would have a row. The daughter stated that she now believes her father would do this in fear that he may kill his wife in temper. Jones' own son-in-law stated that "There's no smoke without fire is there?"

(5) One woman prostitute told the police that she had got into a punter's car with a man who showed her a London Metropolitan Police warrant card. She panicked and quickly exited the car. The man offered her some cash. Was the man Harold Jones using his father-in-laws police warrant card. (His father-in-law John Widdows was a retired London Metropolitan police officer.) The woman some time later became the 7th of the 8 murdered women.

(6) Harold Jones stored the bodies of Abertillery murder victims Freda Burnell and Florence Little in Abertillery until it was convenient to dispose of their bodies. At least 4 of the Hammersmith victims were stored before being dumped at various London locations.

(7) All Hammersmith victims were demure and childlike in stature.

(8) Harold Jones had an oral fixation at the time of the Abertillery child murders. It is recorded by his then 13 year-old girlfriend Selina Mortimer that Jones had asked her to spit in his mouth. The Hammersmith killer also had an oral fixation by removing the teeth or dentures of his victims.

(9) At least 4 of the Hammersmith victims had been stored (in an electricity sub-station on the Heron Trading Estate Acton) before being dumped at various London locations. Jones' daughter has stated that her father had worked as a sheet metal worker in Acton but wasn't aware of where in Acton. This is something only the police would be able to ascertain.

(10) After Harold Jones was jailed for the murder of Florence Little he bragged about his ability to outfox the police during the earlier inquiry into the murder of Freda Burnell. He said: "The arrival of the men from Scotland Yard fascinated me. I had only read of Scotland Yard men before. Now I saw them in the flesh - and I beat them." I am convinced that Harold Jones went to his grave in 1971 knowing that he had beaten them again.

I am in contact with adult children of 5 of the 8 Hammersmith murder victims. Learning of the deaths of their mother's has had an incredibly negative impact on them. They all feel cheated that it seems as though the police have no appetite for reviewing the case.

I am also in contact with the families of 2 men that have been wrongly named as the killer. (Mungo Ireland and former world light-heavyweight boxer Freddie Mills.) They are also distraught that their fathers' good reputation has not been restored. Freddie Mills' daughter Amanda told me that owing to the stigma regarding her father that she hasn't told her teenage son that his father was a famous world champion boxer.


Neil Milkins ● 988d0 Comments ● 988d

Look After My Bills Nightmare.

To save people the agony of having to deal with a future nightmare  with Look After My Bills and Utility Point please read their horrendous reviews on Trustpilot.                                  This is an email I received from Trustpilot this week.                                                People are reading your review!Hi Neil Milkins,You recently wrote a review on Trustpilot and it looks like people find it helpful.117 people have already read your review.                                                                                                       LOOK AFTER MY BILLS SHAMBLES.It is now 12 weeks since Look After My Bills without my knowledge or permission changed my energy provider from S.S.E. to Utility Point. Jacqueline Loughman promised me 9 weeks ago that they would resolve the matter within 14 days. A week ago their senior complaints manager Daniel promised me he would phone me on (29-12-20) and have the matter resolved. No phone call and no answer to my emails to him. In the meantime I am going to have a sky high electric and gas bill when this matter is resolved. It is near impossible to get a reply from them once you have emailed and phoned them and it is totally impossible to phone Utility Point as ALL their phone lines have been cut off. I have been on the phone and emailing 19 hours in total trying to sort this mess out. Anyone thinking of going with Look After My Bills or Utility Point please check their horrendous reviews on Trustpilot.

Neil Milkins ● 1530d9 Comments ● 1457d

A funny and serious note to local policing team

Just a funny email to our Community Policing team that highlights some very important issues.  Thank you Constable for your call yesterday and effective resolution.  I am impressed that you managed to do what every single officer over the last 16 years has failed to do though allbeit under a little duress from myself and reluctance from yourself, I am genuinely thankful and hope this will be the end of the matter, in your case at least, AND, that this will free up your time to be able to focus on the most important task of our "Community Policing".  I would have to rate your performance as a Two out of Five BUT, as I'm aware of the Complicated, Complex, Confusing, Capitulative, Combatant, Corrupt and Deceptive System of BULLSHIT that you have to go through each day just to be able to do your job, and that I have researched a little,  I would like to give you a 3.5 out of 5 review with just a few "Developmental Points" as below that you may like to think about OR discuss with your Superior.Responding in a Timely & Appropriate Manner - As the call took 6 days to resolve this seems to be a area for improvement.  As it was a VERY VERY simple call and the most basic function of the Policing system IS to prevent any breech of the peace I would have expected that this matter could have been dealt with far more simply and in a timely manner by just employing a little bit of Common Sense and our Common Law, at your Discretion..  This would have prevented such resources being thrown at such a simple call and prevented taking up your valuable time in having to travel all the way to Hammersmith to View CCTV Cameras which is not an effective use of your time.  I would urge you to trust yourself Constable and use your discretion as a stitch in time saves Nine. It may also preserve life and it could also prevent any future possible Civil actions being taken out against you Personally by members of Our Community who are also unhappy with the service that is currently being implemented by Our Policing Service. WIN/WINPrioritizing and Efficiency - As this was a simple call that "In Reality" COULD have been dealt with immediately but was not a serious offence such as the Murder on the ward that you informed me of I would draw your attention to the Franklin Covey Time Management system. It is a simple goal orientated style of Time Management that could help you to decide about how best you prioritise your "IMPORTANT" work..  As a Community Officer I believe that your role is to "Prevent Crime" so paying attention to the more minor issues is indeed just as important as paying attention to the Major issues such as the Murder that you mentioned and I do wonder (A LOT) if indeed these Major Crimes that we are witnessing are due to a lack of Preventative Policing or as I like to call it FAILURE TO UPHOLD COMMON LAW, ACCIDENTALLY AND ON PURPOSE WITH A VIEW TO CAUSING MORAL DECLINE IN OUR COMMUNITIES. Acting with Integrity - You did acknowledge and apologize for the delay in getting back to me, after I had to raise this delay with Sargent Noon via your complaints process and I thank you for that.  However you went on to say that this was due to the Murder that happened on the Ward the previous night, after your shift had finished?  This makes absolutely no sense and I was left feeling very perplexed.  I realize that you really do have a difficult job but would urge you please to be a little more truthful in your dealings as this will raise your sense of wellbeing.Acting like a Human Being - In informing me of this Murder that has happened on the Ward I must say that you sounded pleased to inform me?? Truly and Genuinely I did actually find this quite sinister.  We mourn deeply the deaths of Our Children that are currently being killed on our Streets and our thoughts are with the Families of both the Victim and the Murderer.  And I am very saddened that whatever training that you seem to have had prevents you from recognizing this loss in its true capacity and I genuinely do hope that you at lease make as much opportunity as possible outside of work to engage in Empathy building activities.Obviously Constable I am completely joking with you in an attempt to highlight very serious issues and If I do get a win from the cases that I shall be taking out against the officers that ignored my initial call I shall let you know as I shall be asking that they each give £100 to a Fund for the Victims of the Rotherham Abuse Scandal that was facilitated by our Police. As the Victims of this crime have been let down by our National Health Service AND Government and they have to pay privately for treatment which they cannot afford as they are left traumatised with no means to be able to pay for the treatment that they need.  You may want to match this as an act of generosity.

Miss Caroline Kelly ● 1487d0 Comments ● 1487d


Although we are going through a worldwide crisis, possibly never known so bad in human history, things are going to get better. The Bible promises: "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." ( Revelation 21 v 4.) At present the whole world is going through a period known as the "last days" of a system that is about to be put right.2 Timothy 3:1-5 New International Version (NIV) says:(1)"But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. (2) People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, (3) without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, (4) treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— (5) having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people."Is that a huge coincindence or is that an apt description of how many people in the world are today?Luke 21:10-11 New International Version (NIV) states:10 Then he (Jesus) said to them: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. 11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events........"What is happening worldwide surely qualifies as seeing fulfillment today.This is the storm before the calm.“ALL creation keeps on groaning together and being in pain together until now.” So said the apostle Paul. (Romans 8:22) Despite advances in medical science, sickness and death continue to plague the human race. How wonderful, then, the promise that climaxes this part of Isaiah’s prophecy! Imagine the time when “no resident will say: ‘I am sick.’” (Isaiah 33:24)

Neil Milkins ● 1816d0 Comments ● 1816d