Brand New Name on the Broadway

Bar and Grill opens on first day of football season

The revitalisation of Fulham Broadway takes another step forward this weekend with the launch of The Broadway Bar and Grill on the site of the old King's Head pub.

The pub has gone through various incarnations in recent years with the most recent being Fever Pitch, a pop-up bar created especially for the World Cup.

Since then the landmark building, which dates back to 1580, has been shrouded in scaffolding.

But from 10am on Saturday, August 14 - the first day of the football season, with Chelsea playing at home - local people will be able to get their first glimpse of the new ground floor bar, which is offering drinks and a BBQ in the beer garden.

"The scaffolding will be up for another three weeks, when we will officially launch the Broadway Bar and Grill with the opening of the first floor restaurant," says spokesman Calumn McDonald. "We aim to make this a landmark for the people of Fulham."

Together with its next door neighbour UNION Market, which launched last month on the site of the old tube station, The Broadway Bar and Grill is giving our broadway a much needed facelift.

In October, these new ventures will be joined by the new customer friendly Metro Bank, which will be be open seven days a week from 8am till 8pn.




August 13, 2010