Local Broadcaster to Cover Royal Wedding

Michael Wale to co-present LBC's broadcast on the big day

Local broadcaster and writer Michael Wale will be taking a break from his allotment to co-present LBC's Royal Wedding coverage. He has been named by LBC appear on their breakfast show 7am-10.30am show with Jim Diamond. For many years Wale presented sport nightly on BBC-TV in London and the South east.

He said : “ It is great to be part of a real London event. Why is the BBC going to Salford? London is the capital of England. That is what LBC believe. So do I. Anyway it will be wonderful on Friday”.

Shepherds Bush broadcaster Michael Wale, and mad QPR fan, has been named to introduce Royal Wedding Day breakfast show on LBC 11 52am with Jim Diamond. Michael already presents a weekly 'What The Local Papers Say' on Saturday mornings, and now he has been chosen to give the local London angle on the big day. For many years Michael presented sport nightly on BBC-TV London and the South East.

An avid QPR fan, he still broadcasts occasionally on sport, especially rowing, for LBC. A battle to save his local allotments caused him to turn to writing about the environment. He was brought up on a farm in East Sussex. He leads a large allotment association in West London, which was threatened with closure until he led a long fight to save the. He also opposed the destruction of 100 year old allotments to make way for a concrete walkway to the 2012 Olympics.

His book about his allotment fight and personalities View From A Shed ( Allison and Busby) was published three years ago. Currently he is writing a book about the organic movement. And a play about allotments. In the past he wrote comedy for David Frost, Tony Hancock and many others.

April 28, 2011