Inquiry Launched After Death of Man in Hammersmith Police Station

Daniel Cooper died after being found unresponsive in cell

The custody suite at Hammersmith Police StationThe custody suite at Hammersmith Police Station

August 11, 2023

A 40-year-old man has died after being found unresponsive in a cell at Hammersmith police station last month.

Daniel Cooper, who was a musician, was arrested in Shepherd’s Bush on the afternoon of Wednesday 12 July.

An inquest into Mr Cooper's death was told that the two officers making the arrest had noticed him put something into his mouth during a struggle. He was told to spit it out and it was later confirmed to be a Kinder egg containing heroin.

As it was unknown if he had swallowed any of the drugs, he was taken to hospital where doctors checked him over and cleared him for release back into police custody.

He was taken to the custody suite at Hammersmith and charged with with possession of a Class A drug and refused bail due to his previous failure to appear in court.

At that time officers reported him to be cooperative and alert with no since of injury.

While in custody, he was checked three times by medical professionals who did not report any concerns.

On 14 July at 6.47am, a police officer found Mr Cooper unresponsive in his police cell at around 6.45am. First aid was given and an ambulance was called which took him to hospital where he died shortly afterwards.

Wraps of what are suspected to have been drugs were found hidden in his sock even though he would have been searched on entry to the cell.

As they are required to do, the Metropolitan Police informed the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) who sent investigators to the custody centre and to the police post-incident procedures to begin gathering evidence.

As part of their initial enquiries, investigators have secured CCTV from the custody centre and from the street where Mr Cooper was arrested, which the are currently reviewing along with officers’ body-worn video. Accounts have been obtained from the police officers/staff involved.

IOPC director Amanda Rowe said, “Our thoughts are with Daniel Cooper’s family and friends and all those affected by this incident.

“We have met with his family to explain our role and will keep them updated throughout the investigation.

“Whenever a person dies while in police custody, it’s important that an independent investigation is carried out to establish all of the circumstances surrounding this incident, including the actions and decision-making of the relevant police officers and police staff.

“All police officers/staff are currently being treated as witnesses.”

The inquest opened at 9am on Wednesday (9 August) at West London Coroner’s Court and a verdict is awaited.

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