Lady Margaret School Holds 100th Birthday Party

Old Girls wil join students, parents and local resident for celebration in Parsons Green

Lady Margaret School in Parsons Green is celebrating its Centenary today, Saturday 30 September, with Old Girls, former parents and local residents gathering for a Birthday Party from noon till 5pm.

Lady Margaret School centenary logo

This free event will launch Lady Margaret School’s Centenary programme and celebrate what is now and what was then.

At 3 pm guests will see the school's oldest Old Girl, Peggy Mitchell (née Fitgerald) aged 95, from Wimbledon and the youngest pupil, Amina Khelfaoui (aged 11) cut the birthday cake whilst everybody will join in to sing Happy Birthday to Lady Margaret School.

Peggy Mitchell joined Lady Margaret in 1927 at the age of five when the school had a kindergarten and left aged 17 in 1939, before the school evacuated to Midhurst Grammar school for the duration of the war.

The school says if you’re an Old Girl come and see the changes, the school’s expansion, creation of the Centenary Garden, reunite with old classmates and remember your school days in our alumnae classrooms.

If you’re a local resident, have never been through the school gates before, are considering the school for your daughter or are keen to hear about Lady Margaret's history and view the archives come along and get to know the school.

Refreshments will include a sit down lunch, from 12 noon – 2.15 pm accompanied by piano recitals. Cream teas will be served from 3.15 – 5 pm. A champagne bar will be open throughout the day in the Centenary Garden where tea and coffee will also be served.

There will be a festival atmosphere for current pupils in the playground with music being played, a netball tournament taking place and caterers providing refreshments. Guided tours of the school will take place throughout the day. Specially commissioned Centenary merchandise will be available to purchase. Fine art created by pupils over the last ten years will also be on sale.

The Headteacher, Ms Elisabeth Stevenson – the school’s seventh – said that the school was honoured and delighted that the HRH Princes Alexandra had agreed to be Patron of the Centenary year. "Her patronage is particularly nostalgic as Her Royal Highness opened the newly built school hall in 1965," she says.

During the year the school will be raising funds for the new Centenary Garden created for the school and local community to use. This year’s school charity, chosen by the pupils, will be SACCA Rwanda, which works to help children in that country who do not have access to education and training.

Centenary events can be followed on social media using the #LMS100. Old Girls seeking more information should contact Further information on Centenary events throughout the year is available here.