With an Easter trail, gardening for little green fingers and Easter family day
Saturday 6 - Monday 22 April, 10am - 3pm, Easter trail
Fulham Palace's Easter bunny needs help from some young detectives! This children's activity will make for a fun-filled time for all.
The palace's beautiful building and gorgeous garden will be full of clues. Hunt them down and solve the puzzle!
This free event will run throughout the Easter holidays until 22 April. No booking is necessary.
Saturday 6 April, 10.30am - noon, Little Green Fingers
This hands-on gardening workshop is for children and their carers to explore how vegetables and flowers grow, with the opportunity to sow, plant, and care for produce and flowers in an exclusive little green fingers bed in the beautiful walled garden.
£10.50 per child. Booking essential. Suitable for ages 3+, children must be accompanied be an adult. This event takes place in the walled garden. Book now.
Thursday 11 April, 6pm - 8pm - ‘Uncle Arthur Bishop‘ and the redoubtable Winnington-Ingram family during WWI.
Find out more about this event here.
Sunday 21 April, 11am - 3pm - Springtime at the Palace
Celebrate all things springtime at this Easter Sunday family activity day, with seasonal storytelling, creative crafts, Easter trails and a host of fun-filled activities.
There will also be seasonal storytelling and creative crafts, and a host of other fun-filled activities across the house and garden. Suitable for ages 3+ . Children must be accompanied by an adult. Free and no booking necessary.
This event takes place across the house and garden.
Regular events also continue in April:
Wednesday 3, 2pm - 3pm; Sunday 7 and 14, 12.30pm - 1.30pm; Tuesday 16, 2pm - 3pm; Sunday 28 April, 12.30pm -1.30pm - History Tour
Learn the secrets of Fulham Palace on this Historical Tour through the garden and public rooms of the Palace. £6 per person, accompanied children free, no booking necessary, meet in the Museum. Click here for more information on tours.
Sunday 21 April, 2pm - 3pm - Garden Walk
Join this tour of the Fulham Palace garden and discover more about its history and the rare plants grown at the Palace today. £6 per person, accompanied children free, no booking necessary, meet in the Museum. Click here for more information.
Monday 29, Tuesday 30 April, 9.30am - 10.30am - Palace explorers early summer term: Bishops (29 April – 21 May)
These fun and creative facilitated sessions are geared specifically to 2-4 year olds and their adults. This term they will be learning about different bishops who lived in the Palace, including their life history and family relationships.
Booking in essential. £5.50 per session or £20.50 for this term. Learn more and book now.
April 3, 2019