Apple Day Celebration to Be Held at Fulham Palace

Event taking place for 12th time in the historic walled garden

A stall at a previous Apple Day. Picture: Marcus Dawes

September 16, 2024

In a clear indication that autumn is upon us, Fulham Palace has announced the date for the 12th Annual Apple Day Celebration

This year it is taking place on Sunday 6 October by the orchard within the historic walled garden of the Palace. It is a day of family-friendly fun, food and festivities.

From 11am to 4pm all ages can enjoy a variety of apple-themed activities, live entertainment and food.

The Palace’s garden team will give guided tours of the historic walled garden and orchard. There will be a chance to discover and sample the unique heritage apple varieties grown at Fulham Palace and visitors can also try their hand at apple pressing to make fresh juice, while learning about the journey from tree to table with insights from the team.

The artisan market will feature over 50 stalls offering a variety of gifts and goods and the Palace’s own garden barrow stall will be selling fresh, organically grown produce, jams, chutneys and other homemade produce crafted from the Palace’s own garden ingredients

A tombola will be held with all proceeds supporting Fulham Palace Trust. For all those who love to bake, there is the opportunity to enter the annual apple-themed baking competition. With both a junior and adults’ competition, all ages have the opportunity to showcase their baking skills. In addition to winning a prize, this year, the winning recipe will be featured in the drawing room café,

An apple press at Apple Day draws an audience. Picture: Marcus Dawes

Younger visitors can take part ina themed trail, apple crafts, hands-on music-making sessions with Monkey Music, storytelling sessions and outdoor games led by SuperCamps.

Live music will be provided by jazz group The Salisbury Hot Club while picnicking on the main lawn.

Event organiser, Raphaela Ashford, said, ‘Apple day is one of the best events of the year! We’re thrilled to bring apple day back for its 12th year. With live music, fantastic stalls, a wide range of pre-booked and drop-in activities as well as our ever-popular apple cake competition, there’s something for everyone on apple day!’

Apple day tickets can be booked online through the Fulham Palace website and cost £1.00 for a child and £3.00 for adults.

Crowds at a previous Apple Day. Picture: Louise Turnbull
Crowds at a previous Apple Day. Picture: Louise Turnbull

Fulham Palace is at Bishop’s Avenue, (SW6 6EA).

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