Mystery Solved!

Wondering why Fulham Road has been closed for so long?

The roadworks at the junction of Gunter Grover and Fulham Road which have caused chaos around Fulham Broadway for almost three weeks have recently sprouted this mysterious new sign. It says: Materials Curing.

Local residents and passers by, already wondering why this massive roadbloack seems to have been completely deserted by workmen, are now faced with a new puzzle. What on earth does the sign mean?

Now Thames Water have come to the rescue with a full explanation. It seems the broken water pipe which caused the roadworks was so deep and the hole that had to be dug was so large the structure of the road had to be rebuilt. And, says a spokeswoman: " The sign means that they are waiting for the concrete to dry, which is why no one has been has been working there."

She assures us that all is going to plan and Fulham Road will be open again by the morning of Monday August 10, and adds: "Thames Water wishes to apologise to everyone for the inconvenience caused."

August 6, 2009