(L Peter Campbell with his medal
March 17, 2025
A 12-year-old boy who attends Fulham Cross Academy in Kingwood Road has been given an award after being praised for his kindness and empathy.
He was recognised by the Jack Petchey Foundation, a charity which marks exceptional achievements by young Londoners aged 11-25, which has given him £300.
The citation spoke of his 'kind and empathetic nature' and said he is known for 'always having a smile on his face'. Outside of school, Peter helps care for his older brother, who has Down's syndrome.
This summer, Peter is setting off to Malawi as part of a school initiative with charity Mission Direct to build a centre where children with disabilities can be fed, educated and receive therapy. He has raised £2,800 towards the project, as part of his school's fundraising.
"I'm really happy and proud to win the award," said Peter, who will use the prize to buy equipment for his school's basketball club.
He also received a medallion and framed certificate from H&F's Deputy Mayor, Cllr Daryl Brown, at the ceremony.
Sir Jack Petchey died last year at the age of 98, but the foundation which bears his name continues and it has given £180million to 235,000 exemplary youngsters over the last 25 years
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