Fulham Sixth Formers Excel in Examinations

Some outstanding results in A-Levels and BTECs

Fulham Boys School students were pleased with their results

August 19, 2024

Sixth formers at schools in the Fulham area have delivered a string of outstanding performances in recently published exam results.

Despite being a cohort which saw their education disrupted by lockdowns, many have overcome the odds to achieve much sought after places in colleges and universities.

Fulham Boys School (FBS) sixth formers celebrated another year of strong A-level and BTEC results.

Of the 92 boys sitting A-levels, 31 per cent of grades were at A* to A, while 85 per cent were A to C. BTEC students excelled with the average grade of a Distinction*.

The average A-level grade was B, with 43 per cent of students achieving at least one A* or A grade. In EPQ, 67 per cent achieved A* and 100 per cent A* to B.

Headmaster David Smith said, The Fulham Boys School continues to make significant academic progress. This year was our first with a full cohort and these results are testament to the huge amount of hard work from our boys and staff. We are incredibly proud that, through years of uncertainty, our young men have fought hard to achieve and go beyond their potential.”

12 per cent achieved a clean sweep of A* to A grades, including Josh who earned four A* grades as well as an impressive EPQ. He will read Politics with Economics at the University of Bath.

The school is also sending more students to Oxbridge than ever before. Thomas will read Mathematics at Cambridge University, while Ralph, Malachi and Merlin will study Philosophy, Politics and Economics, History and Law respectively at Oxford University.

Students also secured places at Russell Group universities, including University College London, King's College London, Edinburgh University and Exeter University.

Others are pursuing exciting alternatives like apprenticeships at Grant Thornton, studying abroad at Florida International University and Leiden University, or attending prestigious art schools like Camberwell College of Arts.

"I want to thank our staff and the whole FBS community for all that they have put into the past two years, firmly establishing our sixth form as a springboard for success," added Mr Smith.

"FBS is more than just a school; the academic achievement matters but so does the character displayed by our students throughout their time here."

All students at Fulham Cross Academy earned pass grades, marking the best performance by the school to date.

A-level History and Level 3 Health and Social Care were the Academy’s highest scoring subjects, with students achieving an average grade of a C+.

Top performing students included Ali Hayek, who achieved a clean sweep of A grades in Biology, Chemistry and Maths and will go on to study Physiotherapy at Kings College London.

Ali said, “I feel ecstatic and want to thank all the staff; I am thrilled and excited to be starting my degree at King's in October.”

Hadjer Mohhamadi attained grade As in Biology and Maths and a B in Chemistry, securing a place to study Optometry.

Farah Akbari, another student who exceeded expectations, earned a place at City University to study Law after obtaining strong grades in History, English and Sociology.

Sally Brooks, Executive Principal at Fulham Cross Academy Trust, said, “We are really pleased to see our results increase again this year. Students and staff have worked really hard, and I am so proud of their dedication to achieving these outcomes. We hope to see the Year 12 performance rise again next year. It’s an exciting time to be part of the Trust.”

Alan Jones, Head of School, added, “I am so proud of the students who have worked exceptionally hard this year, attending all of their lessons and revision sessions, and utilising their free time to obtain strong outcomes. Our Sixth Form performance has grown yearly, and our students now access top universities and work placements to study STEM subjects. We are very optimistic for the future of both our students and the Fulham Cross Academy Sixth Form.”

William Morris Sixth Form also saw strong performances at it celebrates its 30th anniversary.

Mary Berrisford, sixth-form principal, said, “Results at William Morris have improved by every measure this year! Our pass rates have improved to 97 per cent overall, and in both A-levels and BTECs our high grades have increased, and the majority of our students have already accepted their university offers. I’m utterly delighted to share in the success of the students who have worked so hard to secure such brilliant results.”

A few of the school’s highest achievers include Emily Harper who earned three A* grades in Art, English and Psychology. She wants to work as a Clinical Psychologist and is going on to study Psychology at the University of York.

Classmate and talented artist Zeynal Zulfugarli achieved two D* grades in Art and Design and a Distinction in Digital Film and Video Production. He is off to study Film Production and hopes to be a Film Director in the future.

And Georgij Gjorgiev achieved A, A, A in Business, Sociology and Spanish, and is going on to study Marketing and Management at Queen Mary, University of London.

William Morris sixth formers with their results
William Morris sixth formers with their results

Cllr Alex Sanderson, Deputy Leader of H&F, said, “Well done to everyone receiving results today. Your hard work, dedication and grades are something to be very proud of. Don’t worry if things didn’t quite go to plan. Exam results aren’t make or break and there are countless opportunities ahead to try out.

“Today’s successes wouldn’t have been possible without the care and support of H&F’s teachers, school staff and parents. Thank you for helping our young people reach their potential.”

Across the country, the proportion of A-level entries awarded top grades increased compared with 2023 and is now above that seen before the pandemic. This current cohort was in Year 9 when schools were shut due to Covid-19 and was the first to sit GCSEs when they were reintroduced.

27.8% of entries were awarded an A or A* grade, up by 0.6 percentage points on last year and higher that the 25.4% seen in 2019.

The proportion awarded the top A* grade this year has risen by 0.4 percentage points to 9.3% and it is higher than 2019 when it was 7.7%. Excluding the pandemic years this is the highest proportion of the starred grade given out since it was first available in 2010.

Overall, 243,650 18-year-old applicants from the UK have been accepted at a university or college up 6% from last year.

Boys have pulled further ahead of girls at the top grade, with 9.5% scoring an A* compared with 9.1% of girls reversing the position during the pandemic.

Ofqual figures show that, 49.4% of independent school candidates scored grade A or above in all subjects, compared with 22.3% of those at comprehensive schools a wider gap that seen in previous years.

Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson said in an interview on Times Radio, “They’ve been through an awful lot in recent years and they’ve shown tremendous resilience, and they’ve had fantastic support from the staff and teachers within their schools and colleges, and it’s a big and exciting day for them.”

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