Fulham Schools Praised in Head Bernie's Final Term

College Boys' School and Enterprise Studio "good" in every category

" Our students and staff have represented the schools with pride and I would also like to thank the parents for their support.

Ofsted recognised this commitment to personalised learning, saying: " The executive principal, along with other senior leaders convey, with conviction, their belief in each student's right to be valued and to succeed in their learning."

Cllr Sue Macmillan, Cabinet Member for Children and Education, paid tribute to the hard work of staff and students saying: " Bernie Peploe has been an inspiration during her time as principal. We will be sorry to see her go but we also look forward to the future success of the two academies and the enterprise studio under a new principal."

This was the first inspection of the Fulham Enterprise Studio School. It said: "The sixth form is effective. Students achieve well and are well cared for. They receive good advice and guidance."

Inspectors added that " the studio school successfully provides vocational education in key stages 4 and 5" and as the sixth form grows in popularity students have moved from other local schools "because of the specialist combinations of subjects offered".

The studio school currently specialises in performing arts and construction courses but is also offering a science pathway next year.

Fulham College Boys’ School and the innovative Fulham Enterprise Studio, the first of this kind of Studio School and Sixth Form in inner London are part of Fulham College multi-academy Trust, which also manages Fulham Cross Girls’ School.

February 27, 2015