Council to Build Dozens of Affordable Homes on Disused Sites

Says plans in Fulham are part of self-funding programme of investment

The Pearscroft Road site as it is now

August 19, 2024

Hammersmith and Fulham Council is aiming to build dozens of new homes on two small disused sites in Fulham.

The sites are in Pearscroft Road, east of Wandsworth Bridge Road, an area currently housing disused garages and sheds and an empty site in Barclay Close, just off Fulham Road close to the Fulham Court Estate.

Planning permission was granted eight years ago to build 33 new flats in Pearscroft Road, but that has now lapsed. The council says its plans are still at an early stage in the design process, and has not yet announced how many homes could be created but does say that at least 50% will be affordable, including social housing, and it will remain the freeholder and will own and manage the properties.

The council has similar plans for two small sites in Shepherd’s Bush and says with 3,000 households in the borough waiting for housing, the projects are part of a self-funding programme of investment in much needed new homes.

It adds that it ends involving the local communities at both sites in Fulham by setting up steering groups and holding co-design workshops this autumn and winter. If all goes to plan, planning applications for the two sites would be submitted during 2025, with building work beginning in 2026.

A consultation event about the developments
A consultation event about the developments

These new schemes are in addition to the council’s development on the Aintree Estate off Dawes Road, where construction is well underway building 134 new homes on the former site of Hartopp and Lannoy Point tower blocks.

The location of the Pearscroft Road scheme
The location of the Pearscroft Road scheme

113 of these units will be designated as affordable with 67 flats being offered at social or London affordable rent, while another 45 will be available for ‘affordable’ shared ownership.

This week also sees the start of construction in Farm Lane, off North End Road, where the council is creating 31 new homes - at least 50% of which will be classed as affordable - on the site of a disused children’s home.

Under a construction management plan submitted by building company Neilcott Construction, seven weeks of enabling works are scheduled to begin this week, including tree protection, cutting back vegetation, removing asbestos, erecting scaffolding in preparation for demolition and installing security hoarding.

The Barclay Close site

The main construction work is due to begin on 30 September and last 77 weeks, with the new homes completed and ready to move into on April 20 2026.


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