At the Old Oak Community Centre
Tuesday March 23, 9.30am to 11.30am
Come to the ‘stay and play’ session for parents and toddlers and learn about easy-to-use, moder,n cloth nappies that can save you hundreds of pounds.
Saturday March 27, 1pm to 4pm
Fed up living with cupboards full of clutter? If so come along to the community centre for a Give and Take Day. Bring along any items you no longer need and take things you do – all for free!
Typical items at a give and take day include furniture, books, clothes, buggies and
bikes. No electrical items. All items must be in good condition. If you
are bringing items along please arrive at the start of the session.
Wednesday April 7, 10.30am to 12.30pm and Thursday April 8, 1.30pm to 3.30pm
Recycled art activities for children and parents. Come and make something new out of
recyclable materials.
Saturday April 10
Come and visit the recycling and activity stand at the Wormwood
Scrubs Fun Day. Activities include recycled art activities,
information stalls, games and freebies.
Tuesday April 13, 10.30am to 12.30pm
Composting workshop. Whether you are a beginner or have been composting for years,
come along to our fun and interactive workshop to find out how to successfully make
great fertiliser for your garden. Composting bins will also be available for just £5
(rrp £19) to all those attending.
March 9, 2010