Public Consulted about Plans to Improve Australia Road

Go online to comment on mini-meadow scheme by March 7

White City residents are being asked what they think about new proposals to improve their neighbourhood.

Hammersmith & Fulham Council is looking to turn a section of Australia Road outside Randolph Beresford Early Years Centre from road into a green space with flood prevention features and a shared space for pedestrians and cyclists.

Under the proposed scheme, the pedestrianised strip of land could be used to host community events and children’s play times. A boulevard could be created, which would have a paved section and sustainable drainage solutions or SuDS, including a raised planting basin, which could be a grassed area with plants and flowers.

Proposals also include building a low balance wall for children to walk and play on, snaking through the grass and plants.

This ‘mini-meadow’ would be designed to collect rainwater, allowing it to drain away gradually into the ground rather than running into the sewer underneath the road. Permeable paving would be used throughout the site, which also allows rainwater to seep slowly into the ground, also offering protection against flooding.

H&F Council says it wants to hear from residents about the improvement proposals. A drop-in session about the scheme was held on February 18 and the council says a final round of consultation with residents will be carried out this month before the scheme’s plans are finalised.

In the meantime, you can respond to the plans at the council's consultation page. The deadline for responding online is March 7.

Plan of improvements to Australia Road, White City

You can see a high resolution  version of the above plan here.

March 2, 2014