Santa Sets Up Home at Westfield

Snowflake Grotto is open to visitors from Thursday 22 November

Santa's Snowflake Grotto opens at Westfield Shopping Centre in Shepherd's Bush on Thursday 22 November.

Young visitors will be transported to the Snow Factory in the North Pole, where Santa’s elves make all the snow in the world.

Children will create their own snowflake and explore the various activities within the factory.

Of course, they will also meet Santa in his icy Snow Chamber, where every child will receive a gift and have a photo taken with him.

To leave the North Pole and go back to London, they will travel through the infinity room.

Q visit to Santa's Snowflake Grotto lasts approximately 20-25 minutes, and photos can be purchased in the Christmas Shop at the end.

Santa’s Snowflake Grotto will be open from 22 November until Christmas Eve, from 11am till 6pm daily.

Book a visit to the North Pole here.


November 21, 2018