Streetbank Hold Swish Event in Hammersmith

Spend an evening swapping your unwanted items

Streetbank, the website that enables you to give away, lend or borrow items within your local community, is launching the first ever Streetbank LIVE event - a heady mix of swishing, sharing, socialising and general fun.

The swish event will take place on September 20 from 7pm – 9.30 pm at the Hop Poles pub in Hammersmith's King Street.

Swishing means getting together to swap good condition items to give them a new home, share resources within our communities and have fun!

Just bring one item (or more) to give away that you think would put a smile on someone's face (e.g. a book, cd, DVD, board game, sports equipment, gardening item) – and a few friends if you fancy – and you’re in!

Remember, the item needs to be good quality - if you'd be happy to receive it, it's perfect to give away.

The evening is totally free, and you can buy drinks at the bar and enjoy some baked goodies from the folks at Streetbank.

To register for your free ticket to the swishing evening, visit the Streetbank Live website.

September 13, 2012