Former Pupils Send Claims of Sexual Abuse to St Paul's Girls' School

Top independent school in Brook Green has passed allegations to authorities

Sarah Fletcher, the high mistress at the leading independent school in Brook Green, which charges fees of £24,000 a year has confirmed that a "small number" of alumnae - known as Old Paulinas - had made the allegations.

The school has since passed all details to the relevant authorities and Ms Fletcher said she had since written to express "our absolute condemnation of all such behaviour".

The claims came to light after St Paul's asked Old Paulinas for stories of workplace harrassment which could become part of a drama piece.

The drama was set to be a "real life" Edinburgh fringe festival play on sexual harassment in the workplace, inspired by the #MeToo campaign, which has encouraged men and women around the world to share stories of abuse on social media.

However, Ms Fletcher has confirmed that a "small number" of ex-students responded with claims of sexual abuse within the school and that the allegations are being taken "extremely seriously".

She said: "Two wrote from personal experience, others about what they had heard from friends.The police can only do their job, however, if they have a name."

She has now asked the alleged victims whether they would feel able to identify the individual(s), so that they can be held to account.

She added: "I realise this is a big and difficult step to take, and we shall do all we can to support anyone who decides to go to the police. It is only through proper reflection on what went wrong that we as a school can ensure that present and future students are as safe as possible."

November 16, 2017