Closures come as figures show 94 people in H&F testing positive for COVID-19
Our two local hospital trusts have both closed their wards to visitors in light of the current crisis.
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, which includes Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in Fulham Road and West Middlesex Uiversity Hospital in Isleworth, says: " We regret that we have had to close all wards to visitors, to prevent the spread of coronavirus.
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, which includes five local hospitals - Charing Cross, Hammersmith, Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea, St Mary's and the Western Eye, says: "
To help prevent the spread of infection, we’re really sorry that we are not currently allowing visitors in our hospitals.
" This has been a difficult decision to make but we no longer feel we can prevent the risk of spreading the infection if we continue to allow visitors to our hospitals."
The trust adds that visitors will only be considered in exceptional circumstances, including:
for a patient at end of life
one regular carer for a patient with additional needs, such as a patient with dementia
one parent/guardian for a child
one birth partner
However the trust adds: " We will do our best to be flexible if there are exceptional circumstances, such as patients who need carers. Please speak to the nurse in charge if you have any concerns. "
Any visitors who are allowed must:
not come to the hospital if you are feeling unwell, including cold or flu symptoms
wash or gel your hands as soon as you enter a ward or unit
follow the additional measures that will be requested by our staff
if you are visiting a patient with an infection.
patients can have only one visitor per day
no children are allowed
Both trusts say that most outpatient appointments are now being carried out by phone or video, or rescheduled.
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust says: " Unless we have asked you to come into hospital, you will receive a call from your doctor offering you a telephone consultation if clinically possible. Your doctor will aim to call you within an hour of your scheduled appointment time
" If you miss the telephone call, or are not able to answer the call, your doctor will review your notes, write a letter to you and your GP and make follow up arrangements as necessary."
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust says: " Most outpatient appointments are either carried out by phone or video, or rescheduled. You will hear from us if this is the case.
" Usually, if an appointment is cancelled, we will call. Therefore assume your appointment is going ahead. Occasionally we have to cancel appointments at short notice, which may mean your travel was wasted. We apologize if that is the case."
The new restrictions come as the latest figures from the Department of Health, published on Thursday 26 March, showed that the number of people in Hammersmith & Fulham who have tested positive for COVID-19 has now risen to 94. The figures are updated daily here
Our neighbouring boroughs continue to be London hotspots with Westminster now with 172 people testing positive, Wandsworth with 204 and Kensington and Chelsea 110.
The latest figures released by Public Health England show that the national total of people testing positive has now risen to 9,782 in England and 11,658 in the UK, though as those who ae self-isolating with mild symptoms are not currently being tested, the actual total may be many times that.
Everyone is being reminded to follow Public Health England advice to:
Always carry tissues with you and use them to catch your cough or sneeze—then bin the tissue, and wash your hands, or use a sanitiser gel
Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after using public transport (use a sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available)
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
Avoid close contact with people who are unwell
You can find the latest information and advice from Public Health England here.
March 27, 2020