Talgarth Road Man Charged After Being at Whitehall Riot

Philip Fahie faces trial for racially aggravated public disorder

Over 100 people were arrested after violence broke out in the centre of London

August 14, 2024

A 41-year-old man living on Talgarth Road is to stand trial accused of public disorder offences relating to riots that took place in Whitehall last month.

Philip Fahie will appear at Croydon Magistrates’ Court on Friday, 16 August to face two charges one of which is racially aggravated.

He was present on the evening of 31 July when significant disorder occurred during a protest organized under the banner "Enough is Enough." It was one of several across the UK in response to a stabbing incident in Southport, where three young girls were killed. The event in Whitehall turned violent, with demonstrators clashing with police, leading to over 100 arrests. Protesters threw bottles, beer cans, and flares at police officers and defaced the statue of Winston Churchill in Parliament Square.

The protest, which took place near Downing Street, saw demonstrators chanting slogans like "We want our country back" and expressing support for the far-right activist Tommy Robinson. The Metropolitan Police had engaged with the protest organisers beforehand but were ultimately unable to prevent the violence that unfolded.

This unrest is part of a broader wave of disorder seen in other parts of the UK, such as Southport, Hartlepool, and Manchester, where far-right groups have been exploiting the Southport tragedy, fuelled by misinformation on social media.

One man, 61-year-old David Spring, has already been jailed for their part in the disorder and Mr Fahie is one of another dozen in the latest round of charges bringing the total charged so far to 38.

Commander Lou Puddefoot said, “The officers on duty in Whitehall that evening were operating in really challenging circumstances and faced unacceptable aggression and abuse.

“As is often the case with large scale public order incidents such as this, so much of the work takes place in the days and weeks that follow.

“I want to thank the officers who have spent the past two weeks reviewing many hours of CCTV, phone and bodycam footage to build the cases that are being put before the courts.

“While we welcome the restoration of calm in London and across the country, we are not being complacent. We continue to stand ready to respond to any outbreak of disorder and to deal decisively with any offences.”


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