Fulham Pupils Receive Duke of Edinburgh's Awards

Students from Lady Margaret and Henry Compton attend ceremony


More than 30 young people from Hammersmith and Fulham schools - including pupils from Lady Margaret and Henry Compton Schools in Fulham - have been awarded their silver and bronze Duke of Edinburgh's awards.

Councillor Helen Binmore presented the students, all aged between 14 and 18, with their certificates and badges at an awards ceremony at Sacred Heart School in Hammersmith.

Lady Magaret, Fulham school pupils with Duke of Edinburgh certificates

Bronze award winners from Lady Margaret School,front row left to right: Safiyah Islam, Willow Enis-Rau, Laura Carpenter, Bronte Clothar, Monica Phnag, Evelyn Blacklock


Bronze winners from Henry Compton school were Ben Towner, Sany Miah, Anwar Hussain Ali, Sami Ahmadi Khalul Obi, Max Boa, Samim Kohistani, Morhaf Arwani, Abdullah Hassan, Stevland Ellington and Jalal Kazemi.

From The Moat School, for children with specific learning disabilities, Matthew Williams received his Bronze Award for completing all four sections of the Duke of Edinburgh award.

H & F council helps organise the scheme at 12 centres in the borough, including secondary schools, HAFAD and H&F Virtual School for Looked After Children, which is the first of its kind in London to take part. This has helped numbers of participants to rise by 41% last year, with 239 teenagers enrolling on the scheme.

There are four sections which look at developing young people’s skills through volunteering in the community, physical activities, developing practical and social skills and going on an expedition. It takes between six months and a year to complete the bronze programme and up to 18 months to complete the silver award.

It is hoped that some of the students will now go on to take part in the gold award, which can take up to two years to finish, where young people have to go on a residential expedition as well as carry out volunteer work and develop their practical and sporting skills.

Cllr Binmore said: " This programme gives young people the chance to undertake new activities and develop useful skills. It is also an excellent way of getting young people to contribute to their community while getting beneficial experiences and enjoying themselves.

" This award supports our belief in a borough of opportunity and we hope that even more people will sign up to take part next year."

December 17, 2010


December 17, 2010