What Has Our Local MP Been Doing?

The latest bulletin from Greg Hands

It's been another hectic week for Chelsea and Fulham MP Greg Hands, who reports in his latest e-bulletin that since the last edition he has:

Met representatives of the campaign group Stop the Sewer
which campaigns to stop the Super Sewer coming toFulham, together with LBH&F Deputy Leader, Cllr. Nicholas Botterill.

Together with local Chelsea residents’ representatives, met Government Minister Baroness Hanham to explore actions the Government might take to better combat the rapid proliferation of subterranean development in the two Boroughs.

Chaired a meeting with the Prime Minister and London MPs to discuss the campaign to re-elect Boris Johnson as Mayor of London.

Voted for the Welfare Reform Bill and for the Government’s
£26,000 Benefit Cap

Attended the Annual General Meeting of the Conservative Friends of Poland in the House of Commons. Greg is the Chairman of the Parliamentary Group.

Welcomed a visiting delegation of Government and Opposition parliamentary whips from both Ghana and Kenya,through the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association.

Led teams of MPs in Chelsea and Fulham campaign sessions for London Mayor Boris Johnson. To get involved in the campaign, see Back Boris 2012

Welcomed World End Residents’ Association (WERA) Chairman John Rendall to the House of Commons to discuss the estate and issues affecting it.

Hosted a meeting of the Serbian City Club for a showing of the new film Gde cveta limun zut in the House of Commons.

Had a full schedule of activity as a Government Whip in and around the chamber of the House of Commons, including ministerial meetings and organising votes and standing committees.

Held a weekly surgery for Chelsea and Fulham residents at Fulham Town Hall. Greg’s surgeries are held generally every Monday at either Fulham Town Hall or at Peter Jones, Sloane Square. To ask for an appointment, email mail@greghands.com or call 020 7219 5448.

Website of the Week: Stop the Sewer

You can read Greg's newsletter in full at his website.

February 3, 2012

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Related links

Read Greg's full newsletter on his website

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