Stop Killing Children Protest

Demo outside Syrian embassy in London on Sunday 10th June

A mum-of-two who was so appalled by the massacre of 49 children in Houla has organised a demonstration outside the Syrian embassy this weekend.

Louise Tickle, arranged the Stop Killing Children protest after seeing the horrific images of the many murdered young children.

She says she felt helpless but had to do something and is urging everyone- particularly families and children to join her, her partner and two young sons (aged four and 18 months) in demanding that the Syrian regime and anyone else killing children in this conflict must stop.

On Sunday 10 June, from noon to 2pm, the protest against the massacre of 49 children and babies in Houla, Syria will take place outside the Syrian Embassy, 8 Belgrave Square, London, SW1X 8PH.

Louise, a journalist, says, “We have arranged this protest as a family because we are so appalled at the summary execution of 49 completely innocent children in Houla, as well as the killing of many thousands more over the past year.

“This is about preventing the murder of children and we want to make it a mark of the protest that our children, who live in a country where they can speak out without risking their lives, are visibly present.

“I’ve seen footage of toddlers - some of them barely nursery age children - who had their hands bound before they were slaughtered and it's not something we can ignore. We hope that other families feel the same and will join us outside the Syrian Embassy with their children. We have no other agenda than to urge that the killing of children must stop.

“I want the government here and in Syria to understand that people care enough to protest. I want parents of those children who were killed last weekend - and over the past year - to know that we care enough about their dead and injured children to shout our anger and disgust. I want all the Syrian children who are still alive today to stay alive. And I want as many people as possible to join my family at noon, this coming Sunday 10 June, to support our plea to Stop Killing Children.”

Over a hundred people have already committed to join the protest, many with their children aged from a baby of five months to teenage boys and girls.

In keeping with the child-focused protest, the event will be followed with an informal picnic in Hyde Park. Supporters can follow the protest on the Twitter hashtag #stopkillingSyrianchildren, or via the Facebook 'Event' page:


For further information contact Louise Tickle on 01453 872730 / 07766 236364, via @louisetickle or


7th June 2012