Raise funds for the Children's Trust whilst cycling 65 or 80 miles
The annual London to Canterbury Cycle Challenge, which raises money for The Children’s Trust, the UK’s leading charity for children with brain injury, will be taking place on Sunday 14th September 2014.
We need more cyclists to join up to make this year, which is The Children’s Trust’s 30th anniversary, the most successful ever. Cyclists can choose from a 65 or 80 mile route, starting from Greenwich Royal Park between 8am and 9am, cycling through the Kent countryside, including the picturesque Pilgrim’s Way, and finishing at The Canterbury Academy. Refreshment stops are provided along the way, with a party at the finish! Morning transport from Canterbury to London for Kent cyclists and their bikes is provided.
We offer group discounts so would love to hear from cycling clubs and would also be delighted to have more women cyclists taking part this year.
To register and for further details, visit www.thechildrenstrust.org.uk/ltc or telephone 01737 364323.
July 4, 2014