Ulysses in Babel at The Barons Court Theatre

Vivian Allvin looks at character and language across millennia

Vivian Allvin

August 26, 2024

Vivian Allvin is bringing her one-person stage performance Ulysses in Babel from the Edinburgh Fringe to the Barons Court Theatre.

It is a playful piece using languages, accents and classism, ranging from Ulysses to Dante's Commedia (quoted in Italian), amidst myriad other characters & languages, spanning across millennia. You will be introduced to a shady underworld of Greek gods and heroes, outcasts, sorceresses and Tory MPs.

The journey is inspired by the myth of Ulysses, suspended between heaven and hell, sentenced here to the Tower of Babel. Different accents and languages including that of the English upper-class twit feature as well as other national mannerisms.

Based on the playwright’s academic theses at LAMDA, Ulysses in Babel investigates the intersection of languages and identity as well as human fallibility and greatness.

Vivian Allvin is a Brazilian-American raised mainly in Italy who has performed in the UK and extensively in Europe as well as the US. Nick Bagnall’s credits include Shakespeare’s Globe and the Royal Court Theatre.

Directed by Nick Bagnall it runs from 27 to 31 August with performances beginning at 7.30pm.

Tickets cost £10 or £8 for concessions.

To book click here or email info@baronscourtheatre.com or call the box office on 020 8932 4747.

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