Scrum Theatre on Talgarth Road Set for Official Launch

Award-winning actor Adrian Lester set to cut ribbon at new venue

Owning Shakespeare workshop led by Grace Andrews and Lucie Dawkins at Scrum Theatre

September 9, 2024

The Scrum Theatre venue on next to the Ark office block in Hammersmith is set for an official opening later this month.

Already functioning as a theatre space and hosting workshops, the old Lilla Huset building by the flyover on Talgarth Road will see patron and Laurence Olivier award-winning actor Adrian Lester, known to millions from the hit TV series Hustle, cutting the ribbon later this month. He has already held a masterclass at the venue

The previously empty building hosts rehearsal and co-working spaces for writers and designers and eventually will have a small theatre. It is run by Scrum , a theatre cooperative and arts education charity led by a board of trustees including Sir David Bell, a former chairman of Sadlers Wells.

Scrum has already run a series of summer workshops covering acting, directing, Shakespeare, traditional storytelling, drag, movement, voice, clowning, set design and intimacy co-ordination, giving a flavour of the range of activities that can be expected in future.

As part of its aim of supporting new, young theatre groups, every Wednesday evening rehearsal space is provided on a pay-what-you-can basis from 5-9pm, under the tag Scrum & Get It.

Although Lilla Huset is Swedish for ‘little house’ the building, which has the same owners as the Ark, has 13,500 sq ft of space which will allow for a significant expansion of this effort. The building was formerly home to Hammersmith & Fulham Council’s archives until they were moved to Hammersmith Library in 2023.

The Scrum Theatre on Talgarth Road, HammersmithThe Scrum Theatre on Talgarth Road, Hammersmith

“We've spent six months transforming the abandoned building into something special,” said Jerrell Cumberbatch from the arts company.

“There are three rehearsal studios, a co-working space for writers, a designers’ workroom, a photography studio and what will soon be a 250-seat theatre.”

The SCRUM flexible studio spaces, named Sarah, Federico and Ira, are available for hire from £200 per day.

One of the studios at Scrum
One of the studios at Scrum

For more details visit the Scrum Theatre website.

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