Love Food But Hate Waste?

Campaign aims to reduce the amount of good grub that gets thrown away

Would you like an extra £610 in your pocket each year? Well that is how much money the average household with children throws away annually in food it paid for but didn’t get around to eating according to a campaign aimed at reducing food waste.

Around a third of all the food we buy ends up being thrown in the bin and most of this could have been eaten. Reducing food waste is a major issue and not just about good food going to waste it has serious environmental implications too.

Love Food Hate Waste is the 2008 version ‘Waste Not Want Not’ of the modern day, providing handy tips, advice and recipes for leftovers to help everyone waste less food. If we all stop wasting food that could have been eaten, the CO2 impact would be the equivalent of taking 1 in 5 cars off the road.

However some food waste is inevitable. Egg shells, banana skins and tea bags are never going to be on the menu and home composting is a great way to stop this sort of waste ending up in landfill, and our gardens will really thank us for it.

Kerbside food collection services like those in Ealing and Hounslow from February 2009 takes anything that can’t be eaten and recycles it into a soil improver or fertilizer.

For for information, recipes for leftovers and tips to get friendly with your fridge and freezer see the campaign's website.


November 7, 2008