Parks Constabulary Awarded Queen's Jubilee Medals

Ten H&F members honoured for their services

Ten members of Hammersmith & Fulham Council’s parks constabulary have been awarded Queen’s Jubilee Medals.

The Queen has issued the medals to service members and police officers across the country who have served for more than five years at the time of her Jubilee.

The medals were presented by the Mayor of the borough, Cllr Belinda Donovan and deputy leader and cabinet member for residents’ services, Cllr Greg Smith. Also present was Deputy Lieutenant for Greater London, Colonel Hugh Purcell OBE.

The parks constabulary issue fixed penalty notices for littering and dog fouling, enforcing dispersal zones and the controlled drinking zone and supporting the Met with drug operations. They also perform more routine duties including locking and unlocking parks, dealing with fly-tipping and graffiti in the parks as well as providing security at major annual events, such as the fireworks displays and the boat race.

Cllr Smith said: “This council works tirelessly to ensure that our open spaces are as crime free as possible and the parks constabulary are at the very forefront of that effort. I am delighted that they have been officially recognised for their hard work and dedication."


July 11, 2012

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To contact the Parks Constabulary call 020 8753 5999 or email