This week's seasonal sing-alongs
On Tuesday December 13 from 4pm till 8pm, there will be Carols by Candlelight in Normand Park on Lillie Road.
The Friends of Normand Park, who have organised the event, say there will also be craft activities for kids and a table top sale, with first come first served.
Also on December 13 at 7pm, All Saints Church by Putney Bridge is holding a Community Carol Service, with everyone welcome to attend.
Also on December 13, Union Market on Fulham Broadway is inviting local people to a mulled wine and mince pie party, where they can raise a glass and join in the Christmas spirit.
On Thursday December 15, from 1pm till 1.45pm, a local school choid will be singing class Christmas carols in the ground floor atrium in Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.
On Sunday December 18, at 6pm, there will be a traditional service with carols and reading by candlelight at St John's Fulham, and at St Dionis in Parsons Green.
There will also be a carol service, followed by hot mince pies and mulled wine, at St Andrew's Fulham Fields on December 18 at 6.30pm.
December 12, 2011