Flat Iron Hammersmith Now Open

Ad - Continuing their single-minded commitment to serving remarkable steak at an affordable price. 

Flat Iron, the steak chain, has just opened their latest branch on Hammersmith Broadway. Since 2012, founder Charlie Carroll has been pursuing his goal of providing good, affordable steaks to the public.

"Traditionally, eating steak at a restaurant was always for exclusive, special occasions, if at all, and was often hit and miss. My mission was to make remarkable steak available to everyone."

"Remarkable steak, accessible to all, passionate people and love. It’s where we started, where we are and where we firmly hope to stay."

On a midweek evening, we accepted an invitation to find out what a flat iron steak was for ourselves. The restaurant is opposite the tube station on Hammersmith Broadway down some stairs to the large restaurant. Even early in the evening there was already a buzz of conversation.

We had an Old Fashioned and a glass of house white to drink while eating the bucket of fresh popcorn scooped up the manager on the way to our table.

Then we chose a standard flat iron steak and the day's special of Waygu Picanha along with sides of garlic mashed potatoes, chips, creamed spinach and bernaise and peppercorn sauce and the house Malbec. All the dishes arrived promptly on nifty wooden platters with a rather intimidating cleaver. In fact, the steak was so tender the cleaver was redundant but it was a stylish touch. The waiter Viju's recommendation of how to have the steak cooked was spot on - medium rare meant the fat had melted and the meat a lovely pinky red colour. The sides were good with a special mention for the garlic mashed potatoes: buttery, smooth with some lovely little crunchy bone marrow croutons on top.

On the way out we were given teeny, weeny cleavers the size of a charm to exchange for a complimentary ice cream cone which was a really cute touch.

These days we are often urged to modify our consumption of red meat so when we eat steak, we want it to be a really good steak. Flat Iron serves nothing but steak: there are no starters or other options on the menu apart from some sides and no one there is flicking salt off their elbow or wrapping meat up in an assortment of unusual metals and scaring diners with the bill. On our visit, we found Flat Iron lived up to their promise: a good steak in a good atmosphere at the right price point with friendly and charming service. We are definitely going back.


May 30, 2024

Related links

Flat Iron Hammersmith

18 Hammersmith Broadway
W6 7AB

www.flatironsteak.co.uk  | @flatironsteak