"Team Sulivan" Out in Force at Tonight's Cabinet Meeting

Called after select committee overturned decision to close school

Local people fighting to save Sulivan Primary School from closure will be out in force at Special Cabinet Meeting taking place this evening, Monday February 10.

The meeting begins at 6pm and campaigners will be gathering outside the town hall from 5.30pm. More details can be found at the Liberal Democrats' Flock Together website.

The cabinet meeting was arranged after its earlier decision to close the Fulham primary School was overturned by the Education and Children's Services Select Committee at a meeting on February 5.

In a highly unusual move, the committee overturned the decision by majority of seven to six.

The council's cabinet are now obliged to review the following recommendation and the papers submitted with it:

The Cabinet recognises the valuable contribution that Sulivan Primary School makes within its community and, in light of the various responses to the borough consultation, recommends:

that Sulivan school remains open and is supported by the local authority until the school becomes self-governing

that the Local Authority continues to support New Kings School on its journey to academy status

that the Local Authority offers its support to Fulham Boys School in finding a suitable alternative site for their school

that the Local Authority notes the significant flaws in the evidence used to make its original decision and in the decision making process as set out in this document

that the Local Authority notes and takes account of the further evidence submitted in this document.

The Scrutiny Committee cannot force the council to change its decision and accept its recommendations, but says Stephen Cowan, Leader of the Labour Group of Councillors:
"This is a small victory for the children, parents and teachers battling to save their wonderful Sulivan Primary School. The Conservative Administration now needs to come clean and explain why it is being so underhand in its determination to shut this school."

The council adds that the decision made at this meeting is not subject to call in. Therefore, the decision will be implemented immediately after the meeting.


February 10, 2014