Council cabinet "will consider outcome of consultation" schools' amalgamation
Hammersmith and Fulham Council has announced it will decide the fate of two Fulham primary schools on January 20.
The council says cabinet members will consider the outcome of a consultation involving hundreds of responses and representations from residents, parents and school staff.
The decision on proposals to amalgamate Sulivan School with New King’s School had originally been planned for the cabinet meeting scheduled for January 6.
The council says it extended the period during which representations could be received to December 11, 2013 at Sulivan’s request and has now decided to delay the decision for two weeks to enable the consultation responses and representations received to be fully considered by all concerned.
Plans to amalgamate the primaries and demolish the existing Sulivan School site make way for the Fulham Boys School, a free secondary school for 800 boys, are being strongly opposed by parents and local residents.
The cabinet report will be published by the council after schools return from the Christmas break in the New Year – by January 10, 2014.
This will allow governors, staff, parents and children to consider the officers’ recommendations in term time and before councillors make a decision on January 20.
Cllr Georgie Cooney, Cabinet Member for Education, says: “There has been a thorough and lengthy consultation and we want enough time to consider the responses fully.”
The cabinet agenda report, which will include a full summary of both the consultation responses and all representations received, will be published on the council website and we will bring you the details when it is published.
January 6, 2014