Seaside Success at SOFAP Exhibition

Wave of support for Roy's beach scenes

The Society of Fulham Artists and Potters'  spring exhibition at Fulham Library featured a new innovation in the shape of a public vote by visitors for their favourite paintings and ceramics.

Over 300 people took part in the Visitors' Vote, with Roy Pettitt's picture Dogs on the Beach, pictured here, proving a clear winner.

As well as winning the Jackson's Prize of £50 worth of art materials, Roy was also runner-up with a second seaside painting called Beach Reflections, along with Tony Hannaford’s vibrant pastel Autumn, Holland Park.

And visitors didn't just vote for Roy's paintings, they also took them home. All three of his entries were sold during the exhibition.

The prize for Best Ceramic was also a close contest, with Jaime Buenacasa's  Sea Waves bowl just beating Karen Fall’s The Natural Way into second place. The prize in this category was a one-gallon teapot, kindly donated by Emma Bridgewater.

SOFAP says that overall, sales this time fell just short of £5,000 which, in a time of economic uncertainty, could be classed as a small triumph.


June 4, 2010