Mixed news in Sgt Mick MacDonald's latest report
There is mixed news on local crime in the latest report from Police Sergeant Mick MacDonald of Parsons Green and Walham Safer Neighbourhoods Team.
Mick says: " I am disappointed to have to report that residential burglary is up by 84% against the same period last year, in that we have suffered 59 such offences since 1st April, compared to 32 in the same period last year.
" However, as those of you who have been receiving these updates for some time will be aware, we had an incredibly good year last year with a total of only 81 offences in the entire year.
" If I now tell you that in the period between April 1, 2006 and March 31, 2007 we had 179 offences, this will perhaps put it into some perspective. Furthermore, we were actually quite pleased with that amount because prior to our arrival the ward was suffering almost one burglary every day. "
However, Mick adds that the situation has improved in late summer, with very few offences. " We have never had such a quiet period in the time that we have been responsible for Parsons Green and Walham ward, " he says, " so we are definitely heading in the right direction.
" Recent arrests by officers from this team have had a clear impact on burglary. Thefts from vehicles are down by 46%, street crime (robbery/mobile phone snatch) is down by 40% and non-residential burglary is down by 15%. Again, officers from your SNT have arrested the right people.
" The only other negative bit of news I have for you is the increase in the theft of pedal cycles. Unfortunately this seems to be a problem across London, but we have seen a significant increase on our ward from 25 thefts last year to 42 this year.
" I know I keep banging on about this but we strongly recommend that you log into www.immobilise.com and create an account. This is the free online property database where you can register your valuables. The more of you who do so, the better chance the police have of proving that our more prolific offenders are in possession of stolen property. This gives us a fighting chance of a successful prosecution and also of reuniting you with your stolen or lost property."