Munster Police Ask "How Are We Doing on Crime?"

Residents invited to open meeting at St Peter's Church

The event is free to all Munster ward residents and businesses and takes place at St Peter’s Church on Wednesday June 20 from 7pm. There will also be a second session, including a repeat of all the presentations, from 9pm.

The presentations will be made by the police Crime Prevention Team and a Q&A session with the Police Borough Commander, Chief Superintendent Lucy D'Orsi.

There will also be stalls where residents can get in-depth crime prevention advice, meet their local policing team and find out more about Neighbourhood Watch and an ‘Aladdin’s Cave’ of recovered stolen goods.

Police say that as part of a new approach, they are working with Hammersmith & Fulham Council and asking residents to work more closely with them to target crime on a ward based level.

Starting with Fulham's Munster Ward, the authorities plan to work more closely with residents to tackle localised crime problems, such as burglary and theft, head on.

The "How are we doing on crime?" meeting will be the first of many across H&F as senior police and council officials tour the borough to hear directly from residents as issues occur.

Ch Spt D’Orsi says: " We have been working hard to reduce burglary across the Borough. However, Munster Ward has some unique challenges and we would ask residents to attend this presentation so that they can understand some of the local issues and help us to stamp out burglary in the area.

" Our objective is to make the ward incredibly difficult for burglars to operate in and we will do all we can to catch them.

" However we need the help of residents to achieve this, through calling us when something suspicious happens, keeping an eye on neighbouring properties and taking simple preventative measures. This is a new way of working with residents, giving residents an overview of the particular crime issues in the ward. By working together we can make a huge difference in reducing crime."

The event is supported by the borough’s Neighbourhood Watch Association and is organised by the council in association with the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime.

For more information email or Tweet @MPSHammFul.


June 8, 2012