Shopping at Sainsbury's on Saturday?

Help fill the foodbank by donating an item from your trolley

Hammersmith and Fulham foodbank is holding a food collection day on Saturday September 10 between 9.30am and 4pm at Sainsbury’s in Townmead Road.

Our local foodbank is part of a national network of over foodbanks giving out nutritionally balanced emergency food to people in crisis who have nowhere else to turn.

The aim is to supply all clients who are referred to the foodbank by local frontline care providers using a voucher system, with three days of nutritionally balanced food which has been approved by a dietician.

The foodbank is based at ChristChurch in Fulham and open twice a week (on Tuesdays from 10.30am until 1.00pm and on Fridays from 2.00pm until 4.30pm) to give out food via a café-style Distribution Centre. Hot drinks and home made snacks are also served, and a listening ear provided by one of our volunteers.

The foodbank is currently looking for a second Distribution Centre in Shepherds Bush or White City.

Says H&F foodbank spokeswoman Daphine Aikens: "We have now provided food for over 800 people using donated food – all of which is in-date and nutritionally balanced. That's over 8,000 meals as each person is given enough food to prepare 10 meals."

Find out more about the foodbank, and how you can help at the website. You can also follow it on Twitter at @hffoodbank.

September 9, 2011



September 9, 2011