Attending the Historic King's Speech

Greg Hands MP for Chelsea and Fulham reporting back

The King and Queen in parliament. Picture: x/@royalfamily

November 13, 2023

Dear Resident,

I hope you are well.

It was such an honour to be in the House of Lords witnessing the King’s Speech on Tuesday, 7 November. This is a historic ceremony, which is steeped in symbolism and tradition that dates all the way back to the 16 th century. It also formally marked the start of the new parliamentary year.

This year was a particularly special event, too. His Majesty King Charles III delivered his first King’s Speech since becoming Monarch. In fact, it was the first King’s Speech in over 70 years – the last was delivered on behalf of King George VI in 1951 at the height of the Korean War. And, of course, it was the first since the death of Her late Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.

The King’s Speech set out this Government’s plans to continue to change our country for the better. In the last few years, we have seen a series of unprecedented events facing the United Kingdom, from Covid-19 to Putin’s ongoing war of aggression against Ukraine. This has created some significant long-term challenges, which is why this Government is committed to making the difficult but long-term decisions for a brighter future for this country.

As outlined in the King’s Speech, the Government plans to deliver a better and brighter future for everyone in the United Kingdom. The Government will continue working hard to:

  • Grow the economy by increasing investment into the UK, safeguarding our energy independence and security, and modernising our regulations so the most competitive firms can thrive, the Government will deliver on more jobs, higher wages and unlock new opportunities for people across the UK.
  • Strengthen society by increasing local investment, protecting the NHS, supporting local communities, and protecting public health by creating the first smoke-free generation.
  • Keep people safe by cracking down on anti-social behaviour, making sure the police have the powers they need, and ensure our society is protected from terrorism and other national security threats.
  • Promote our national interests by continuing to back the armed forces and working with international partners on the world stage on the most pressing issues, such as supporting Ukraine against Putin’s war of aggression.

In each of these areas, the Government is taking the right long-term action to deliver change and a brighter future for everyone in the United Kingdom. This means that the Government will also continue to tackle inflation, prioritise higher growth over extra borrowing, reduce debt, relieve pressure on the NHS by cutting waiting lists and, implement its small boats laws so we can tackle the people smuggling gangs and stop the boats.

Locally, the King’s Speech delivers for residents across Chelsea and Fulham. It builds on the strong foundation of an economy well on its way to recovery and backs people and businesses to thrive. It strengthens society by supporting the nation’s health and education. It also helps to secure our streets and borders with tougher sentences for criminals and more powers for police.

Importantly, it will deliver change to our economy, society and communities by making the important long-term decisions.

Best wishes,

Greg Hands

The Rt Hon Greg Hands MP

Member of Parliament for Chelsea and Fulham

You can follow Greg on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram by searching for @GregHands

P.S. It was an honour to witness the King’s Speech – the first in over 70 years!


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