Traffic delays likely due to lane and road closures in the area
North End Road is currently closed at its junction with Dawes Road for emergency work by Thames Water, following the discovery of a sinkhole.
Local bus routes 28, 296, 211 and 391 are being diverted along Fulham and Dawes Roads.
Other works in the area include:
A304 Fulham Road 30 June — 2 July Delays likely Traffic control (multi-way signals) Works description: Arqiva 5G. To install TM for crossing on Winchendon Road. Responsibility for works: CITYFIBRE METRO NETWORKS LTD Current status: Planned work about to start Works reference: KG006FCPR00071601/06
A3219 Dawes Road 30 June — 2 July Delays likely Traffic control (two-way signals Works description: LAY 4 NEW DOMESTIC SERVICES 1M FROM MAIN IN THE FOOTWAY Responsibility for works: Cadent Current status: Planned work about to start Works reference:AZ0071000722602
A3220 Edith Grove 29 June — 1 July Delays likely Lane closure Works location: Unknown Works description: Excavate footway to locate and repair damaged duct Responsibility for works:VIRGIN MEDIA Current status: Planned work about to start
A315 Hammersmith Road 30 June — 1 July Delays likely Lane closure Works location: Unknown Works description: Excavate carriageway to locate and repair damaged duct Responsibility for works: VIRGIN MEDIA Current status: Planned work about to start Works reference: NK100/SCLDPL/LCHC00033
June 29, 2018
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