A304 Fulham Road, London, Hammersmith And Fulham |
04 July — 04 July Traffic control (Stop/Go boards) |
Delays likely due to Streetworks
11/020 - Installation Of Magnetomer Studs Under Scoot Contract For Tfl Sd7 Short Stay, S/B Lane 1 Closed, 1000 - 1500 at A304 |
Responsibility: Transport For London |
EToN status: Planned work about to start |
A3218 Lillie Road, London, Hammersmith And Fulham |
03 July — 07 July Traffic control (multi-way signals) |
Delays likely due to Streetworks
Capital Programmes:Project::Excavation, Installation And Reinstatement Of A Ducted 11kv Cable Route To Install Cables In He Carriageway Approx 25m Long Additional To Previously Laid And Excavation Of A Provisional Jointing Pit at A3218 |
Responsibility: UK Power Networks |
EToN status: Planned work about to start |
A3218 Lillie Road, London, Hammersmith And Fulham |
04 July — 04 July Traffic control (two-way signals) |
Delays likely due to Streetworks
To Exchange Faulty Pump In Manhole Chamber. No Excavation. Two Way Ligths Required at A3218 |
Responsibility: Thames Water |
EToN status: Planned work about to start |
A3219 Munster Road, London, Hammersmith And Fulham |
04 July — 05 July Traffic control (two-way signals) |
Delays likely due to Streetworks
Replace 1 Jointbox Frame And Cover(S) (2285mm X 680mm) In Carriageway at A3219 |
Responsibility: BT |
EToN status: Planned work about to start |
A219 Fulham Palace Road, London, Hammersmith And Fulham |
04 July — 05 July Some carriageway incursion |
Delays possible due to Streetworks
Reinstatement Works. These Works Are On Behalf Of Thames Water. Works Will Be Loacted In The F/Way Only. This Permit Is To Allow For The Permanent Reinstatement Of A Interim Patch Loacted In The F/Way at A219 |
Responsibility: Thames Water |
EToN status: Planned work about to start |
A3219 Dawes Road, London, Hammersmith And Fulham |
04 July — 05 July Some carriageway incursion |
Delays possible due to Streetworks
Ferrule Exchange In Carriageway. Our Intention Is To Complete Thepermanent Reinstatement In The Same Phase at A3219 |
Responsibility: Thames Water |
EToN status: Planned work about to start |