They Have a Mountain to Climb!

Oratory boys' feat raises funds for Rwandan orphans

Joseph Steptoe and Louis Collenette, two students at London Oratory School are heading for the top of Mt Kilimanjaro to raise money for Rwandan orphans.

The 19 year old school friends are currently teaching at The Don Bosco Institute in Kabarondo during their gap year and have also become involved with the Streets Ahead Children’s Centre Association (SACCA), a charity helping abandoned and forgotten orphaned street children of the Rwandan genocide.

Joseph and Louis began their climb on Thursday and hope to reach the summit in a week.

If you would like to support their efforts, visit the website Climbing Kili 4 Sacca where Joseph explains their mission. He says: " Louis Collenette and I have jetted out to Africa as volunteers working in Rwanda. What you may not know is that we've decided to climb Mount Kilimanjaro (standing at a mere 5,895metres) in an attempt to raise money for Streets Ahead Childrens' Centre (SACCA).  

" However, in the words of 60s mo-town legend Marvin Gaye, 'Ain't No Mountain High Enough', and we are determined to carry out this challenge in order to fund this admirable project.

"  SACCA is an organisation set up to help the forgotten victims of the Rwandan genocide: children who have been 'orphaned, abandoned and forgotten'.   From our own experience, the effects the events of 1994 had on this country are still very much evident, even on those who were not born at the time.

" SACCA is a very noble cause, housing street children and helping them to re-integrate into society, armed with practical skills and an education to ensure them a sustainable future. All this is carried out under the apt slogan 'Rwanda's Future is Its Children'. "

Joseph adds that between 70 children, there are only a handful of mosquito nets in a country where malaria is rife and a donation of just £2.50 will buy a life saving net. You can support the lads' effort online or alternatively donations can be sent to: Climbing Kili For Sacca, 148 Sutton Court Road, London, W4 3HT.

We'll let you know when Joseph and Louis reach the top!

March 12, 2010



March 12, 2010