Crime Roadshows Return to Fulham in October

Your chance to speak up on issues affecting your area

Three new crime roadshows are coming to Fulham during October.

The roadshows will take place in the wards of Palace Riverside, Town and a combined meeting for Sands End and Parsons Green.

There have been ten road shows so far with more than 300 people reporting their crime and anti-social behaviour priorities directly to Police and council representative.

The roadshows focus specifically on each neighbourhood’s crime issues and are also a chance for residents to get crime prevention advice and meet their local police team, neighbourhood wardens and council officers from the community safety unit.

The shows are supported by the borough’s Neighbourhood Watch Association and are organised by the council in association with the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime.

Police Borough Commander, Chief Superintendent Lucy D'Orsi, says: " The ward based crime road shows are an innovative way of working in partnership with the council and residents to combat localised crime and anti-social behaviour issues."

The roadshows, which are open to all residents are at:

Palace Riverside 
Thursday October 10
6.30 for 7pm 
Bridge Academy, 
Finlay Street, 

Sands End and Parsons Green 
Tuesday October 15
6.30 for 7pm 
Hurlingham and Chelsea School, 
Peterborough Road, 

Thursday October 24
6.30 for 7pm 
Fulham Library, 
Fulham Road, 


September 30, 2013.


September 30, 2013