Facelift for Maxwell Road Playground

New play equipment paid for by Chelsea Football Club

Fulham's smallest playground is getting a £50,000 facelift, thanks to nearby Chelsea Football Club.

Equipment at Maxwell Road playground, located on the junction of Maxwell Road and Moore Park Road was originally installed in 2000 but is now tired and in need of replacement.

Chelsea Football Club have agreed to pay for the refurbishment as part of a deal with the council.

The redesign of the playground will include new play equipment, refurbishing some of the existing equipment and repainting the railings.

Cllr Paul Bristow, cabinet member for residents’ services, says:  " We are very excited about our plans for the Maxwell Road playground. I am particularly pleased that this revamp will come at no cost to the taxpayer. The playground is very popular with Fulham children and I am sure that they will be delighted with this news.”

The council says it will discuss ideas for the playground with local residents in the near future.

October 14, 2009


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