Revised application submitted to build 31 flats in two blocks
Developer's visualisation of planned buildings
A new application has been submitted to build on a site at Sotheron Place off Michael Road in Fulham.
Currently the location is occupied by warehouses including one belonging to Christopher Wray designs and the Chel-ski ski and snowboarding centre.
The Wray family have owned the site for a number of years and are working in partnership developer Caerus to build two blocks, one of six storeys and one of three which will contain 31 flats with a mix of 1,2 and 3 bedroom units as well as retail and commercial space.
The site sits is close to local amenities along the King’s Road to the north with Cambria Street to the east.
Site as it currently is
Formation Architects have submitted new designs after a previous proposal for the site was rejected on appeal by Hammersmith & Fulham Council last year. The reasons for rejection were the level of affordable housing proposed and the loss of privacy and light for residents of Cambria Street. The previous plan had one block of six storeys and one of five. It is argued that the reduction in height of the smaller block in the new proposal removes the reasons for objection.
The accompanying Design and Access Statement also points out that, although buildings in the area are currently predominantly 2 and 3 storeys, there are plans for developments significantly in excess of the six storeys proposed nearby.
Planned buildings in the area with Sotheron Place marked in blue
The planning reference number is 2020/01499/FUL and you can send comments on the proposal to
July 10, 2020