Donate unwanted kids' clothes to Stepping Stones charity
St John's Church in North End Road is supporting Stepping Stones Nigeria, the charity established to save Africa's "Witch Children", who were featured in the Channel 4 documentary programme Dispatches on Monday night.
The church is asking for unwanted, clean, pressed clothes for babies and children aged up to 16 to be donated for the charity. There is a particular need for boys' clothes.
Donations can be left in two large bins placed in the church foyer any day until the end of November. Representatives of Stepping Stones, a small British charity, will then collect them and they will be flown out by Virgin Airlines to reach the children in time for Christmas.
As shown in the powerful TV programme - a follow-up to the original award-winning documentary, Saving Africa's Witch Children - these children were persecuted and tortured by people who believed they were possessed by witches and wizards, but have now been rescued by the charity and live in an orphanage in the Niger Delta.
November 24, 2009