Free guest pass on offer at Lillie Road Fitness Centre
Lillie Road Fitness Centre is offering local people the chance
to try out its facilities and enjoy a day of free activities.
The centre offers a complete range of fitness services, including a gym and weight training area, fitness testing facilities, two mirrored aerobic studios, sunbed and
treatment rooms, a steam room and a fully staffed crèche.
Qualified, experienced staff are on always on hand to advise and assist.
The centre, on Lillie Road close to its junction with Fulham Palace Road, offers a range of activities including aerobics, step, dance, fitness, yoga and pilates classes, including women only sessions.
It is open daily, from 6.30am till 9.30pm Monday to Thursday, 6.30am till 9.15pm on Friday and 8.45am till 5pm on Saturdays.
To book your free pass, visit the centre or call 020 7381 2183.
April 14, 2009