Misleading information provided by energy switching company Look After My Bills to the public has been addressed by the Advertising Standards Authority. Below is a post shared by Nick Blagg, a member of: "Look After My Bills Problem Reporting Page." Nick Blagg shared a link.The complaint made to the advertising standards agency against LAMB has been upheld !! It feels like a partial victory to me based on what the ruling is (see below) but it’s still a win and the more of us that continue to complain the more pressure is applied. Keep it up guys. 👍🏻Dear Mr Blagg,Thank you for your continued patience. Further to the below, we received another complaint which raised issues similar to those highlighted in your complaint. Based on the information you and the other complainant provided, we considered that advertising content from Look After My Bills was likely to break the advertising rules we apply. Therefore, we contacted the advertiser to ask for their assurance that future ads do not misleadingly imply that users of the service will have access to every single energy company and every single energy deal on the market. They have provided this assurance.This now resolves your complaint, and the case will be closed. Basic information including the advertiser’s name and where the ad appeared will be published on www.asa.org.ukThank you for bringing this matter to our attention.Kind regards,JamesJames JonesComplaints ExecutiveDirect Line 020 7492 2214Please note, I do not work on FridaysAdvertising Standards AuthorityCastle House, 37-45 Paul StreetLondon EC2A 4LSTelephone 020 7492 2222
Neil Milkins ● 1458d