Defiance of government credited with low care home death rate in H&F
"On April 2, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) issued guidance stating that “negative tests were ‘not required prior to transfers/admissions into the care home’, as at this time the national policy was for testing capacity to be limited to symptomatic patients.”This borders on criminal negligence by DHSC. They must have known what they were saying.It is only common sense that old people discharged from hospitals needed to be tested before "seeding" care homes. It is only common sense that the carers in these homes had to be tested to prevent spread from one care home to another. Well done Hammersmith and Fulham Council! The Council should be awarded a "Humanane Society" medal, or something similar for not rolling over and allowing themselves to be crushed by DHSC and NHS "edicts". Thank you!
Una-Jane Winfield ● 1691d0 Comments