Fulham Farmers Market Opening SAT 11th April St Johns Church
Fulham Farmers Market Opening Sat 11th April at St Johns Church, North End Rd, Fulham, SW6 1PB.As people need other options to shop for food, we have decided to open the farmers' market with a selection of core traders. Starting next Saturday from 9am for the elderly and vulnerable, everyone else can start coming from 10am but please try to space it out and come throughout the day, we will be open till 1:00pm.There will be lots of fresh produce available direct from the farmer/producer, we'll have about 10 traders. For further info please email us on info@brookgreenmarket.co.ukPlease follow us on social media for regular updates:Facebook - Fulham Farmers' MarketInstagram/twitter - @ffmsw6Many Thanks FFM
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