Reprieve for Parsons Green Walk-In Centre
The Walk-in Centre will only be guaranteed until 31st March 2020. Hammersmith CCG has issued the following (wordy) statement:"At this time the advice we have been given from NHS England is that the current configuration of services will remain as they are until the end of March 2020. This provides the CCG with the opportunity to undertake some further work on how current walk-in services can be re-provided in other settings. The majority of Hammersmith and Fulham residents who use the service tend to be local to the Parsons Green Walk0In Centre and are mainly attending for services that in other parts of the Borough are provided within primary care. Early in the new year we will need to undertake further work on this with a view to then engaging with local people on how we proceed from 1 April 2020." In other words they have no idea what will happen on 1st April, but hope to get new money between 1st January and 31st March to be able to keep it open. No promises!
Una-Jane Winfield ● 1922d1 Comments